Sunday, January 31, 2016

What Does God Need With A Starship?

"What does God need with a starship?!"

What is perhaps considered to be the worst Star Trek film ever, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is the fifth film featuring the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series and the first and only to be directed by Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner. Premiering on June 9th, 1989 the film was up against a handful of highly anticipated films including Batman, Ghostbusters II, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Lethal Weapon 2 and Licence to Kill. Never again will a Star Trek film be released in the summer due to this film. 

The cast of Star Trek V on the new Enterprise-A

After the huge success of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Paramount wanted to release another film as soon as possible. Going over-budget due to the ideas that William Shatner wanted to direct, the production had to cut costs and fast. The making of the movie was one disaster after another. Industrial Light and Magic was unavailable for the effects, leading to some rather uninspiring visuals; the writer's strike of 1988 prevented the script from being modified and polished; major competition with the other films coming out at the time such as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Ghostbusters II, etc also brought a lot of problems. Gene Roddenberry himself strongly made clear his oppositions of the movie. Seeing as Leornard Nimoy directed two successful entries in the series, William Shatner took a turn at directing due to a clause that both actors signed. What one got, so did the other. 

The film begins on Nimbus III, dubbed "The Planet of Galactic Peace". What looks like a vast desert of holes, a lone person comes into view. He seems to be digging holes for some reason and it's not clear why. All of a sudden, a figure riding in the distant is getting closer to the individual. Arming himself with what looked to be a primitive weapon of sorts, the digger preparing for any danger that may come his way. When the figure finally arrives, he gets off his horse and confronts him. "I thought weapons were forbidden on this planet?" The digger simply replies, "...It's all I have." The visitor can sense there is something not right with this person. Walking towards him, he stares him down until the digger gets on his knees. The man says, "Each man hides a secret pain. It must be shared and forced into the light. Share your pain, share your pain with me. And gain strength form the sharing." After a few seconds, the digger is relieved and says it was "as if a weight has been lifted from [his] heart. How can I repay you for this miracle?!" The stranger asks for him to join his quest for the ultimate knowledge. "To find it, we will need a starship." Not having any starships on Nimbus III, the digger doubts his intentions but when the man reveals himself to be a Vulcan, he understands and is in total amazement. Now it will be possible for a starship to arrive. As I view this, I'm not sure how him being a Vulcan automatically allows starships to head to this planet. But, I go along with the story.

Kirk's new command
After a failed testing cruise causes the new Enterprise-A to limp back to space dock, Captain Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy enjoy shore leave at Yosemite National Park. While attempting to make an ascent, Kirk is free climbing El Capitan as McCoy watches from the safety of the ground mumbling to himself in disgust. While taking a break and overlooking the beauty of the forest, Spock pops up out of no where and greets Kirk with his gravity boots on. "Greetings, Captain." "Spock! What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" Spock replies, "I have been monitoring your progress. I regret to inform you that your attempt to free climbing El Capitan, is in no danger of being broken." Kirk replies to Spock that he's doing this because he enjoys it and because the mountain is there to be climbed. Suddenly, Kirk looses his focus and falls from his perch. Spock swings down in an act of bravery and catches Kirk right before his death. Mr. Spock, saving Kirk's life, tells hims that "because it is there" is not a sufficient reason for climbing a mountain.

Meanwhile, back on Nimbus III, a Romulan representative arrives to join the two other representatives on the planet: A Klingon, General Korrd and a human, St. John Talbot. Now, although this planet is known as the Planet of Galactic Peace, nothing has become of it and it is essentially a baron waste land where no progress is being made. Forbidding people weapons, protesters began to "fashion their own" with rocks as ammo. This "new age" died a quick death. Meanwhile, an alarm goes off and Paradise City is being overthrown by a bunch of men chanting. Heading in after them, is a Vulcan on horseback and he seems to be in charge of this intrusion. Breaking into the main chamber, the Vulcan demands them as their prisoners. Counting on them to contact their governments, the Vulcan encourages that as to lure a starship to arrive.

Back at Yosemite, McCoy prepares beans for everyone and even puts a secret ingredient in there that not even Spock is familiar with: Tennessee whiskey. After dinner, McCoy stops and reflects on how much time they spent together in "space and us getting on each others nerves. And what do we do when shore leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families." Kirk replies, "Other people, Bones not us." The way Kirk reacts tells the audience that this crew is his family. The ship is his prize possession and he's happy with that. McCoy seems to be a tad regretful, however since he has a large family back at home. Then, McCoy tells Kirk that he should have been killed when he fell off that mountain. Kirk says, "I knew I wouldn't die because the two of you were with me." Spock does not understand this. "I've always known, I'll die alone." Breaking the morbid silence, Spock takes out a dispenser that producers marshmallows. Kirk suddenly has a flashback and says that he hasn't sung around a campfire since he was a boy in Iowa. Choosing to sing "Row, Row, Row You're Boat" McCoy starts off and Spock is told to jump in. Naturally, Spock does not sing due to him "trying to comprehend the meaning of the words." McCoy chides, "It's a song you green blooded...Vulcan! You sing it! The words aren't important!" Silence...and then Spock remarks, "Were we having a good time?" Okay, time for bed.

In the middle of the night, a shuttle from the Enterprise heads down to pick up Kirk and company informing them there has been a hostage situation. With the transporter not working properly and with Kirk "forgetting" to bring his communicator with him, the shuttle had to be sent down. Arrive on the Enterprise, everything is in bad condition. The doors aren't asdfasdfdaren't opening, the bridge is in shambles and Kirk was in the middle of his shore leave. Speaking with Starfleet, Kirk is ordered to Nimbus III to rescue the hostages. In the hostage tape, Spock recognizes this Vulcan from somewhere and it brings him to leave the bridge and into the officer's mess to spend some time alone. When Kirk and McCoy arrive to see Spock, they are informed that Sybok is Spock's half brother.

A ghost from the past
Arriving in Nimbus III, and with the transporters still out, Kirk and an away team head down to the planet to get the hostages. This planet is almost directly out of Star Wars up to the scene when Kirk arrives at this bar. A three breasted cat-like being attacks him out of the shadows and a pretty random fight ensues that ends up with Kirk throwing her into what looks like a literal "pool" table. This kills her? Who knows. Anyway, Spock arrives and the hostages are there to be rescued. However, manipulated by Sybok, they in tern hold the two Starfleet officers hostage. Now having the command of a starship, Sybok prepares to send his men up to the Enterprise, but not before he catches a glimpse at Spock. They remember each other, but this moment doesn't deter Sybok from his goal of stealing the ship.

Scotty helping Kirk send a distress call
Arriving on the Enterprise and putting Kirk, Spock and McCoy in the brig, Sybok goes up to the bridge and announces his intentions to the rest of the ship. He is taking the ship to the planet, Sha Ka Ree, or what is also known as Eden in the Vulcan language, which lies at the center of the galaxy. He says that he is on a mission given to him by God. How the Enterprise is able to reach the planet in less than two days is beyond me, but it does. Scotty, the only member of the crew not manipulated by Sybok, manages to break Kirk out of the brig and they all make a run for it to send a distress call. An irking scene involves Kirk and company climbing up a turboshaft to get to the front of the ship. It takes quite a while until Spock takes out his gravity boots and gives them all a lift faster. Once they are get to the top and send a distress call, the call is intercepted by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey which pretends to be Starfleet; and now the coordinates of the Enterprise is known. The Klingon Captain, Klaa, originally assigned to rescue the Klingon representative on Nimbus III, decides to go after Kirk and make a name for himself. In other words, he's bored and is sick of destroying space garbage. After sending the transmission, Kirk and company are caught and Sybok lectures them.

First, he goes into McCoy's head and has him face a situation that has tormented him his entire life: pulling the plug on his ailing father only to discover not long after "a goddamn cure" had been found for his disease. McCoy seems to release himself from his pain and Spock is next in line. He is given a vision of his birth and witnesses his father not caring about him and saying that he is "so human". This hurts Spock a little to the point where he sheds a tear. Now, it's Kirk's turn and he refuses. "The things we keep with us are the things that make us who we are. Without them we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain!" Before Sybok continues further, he is informed that they have arrived in the Galactic Barrier. 

Long-lost brothers
Upon reaching the planet of Sha Ka Ree, Sybok has Kirk, Spock and McCoy take a shuttle to the planet surface. Getting to the planet, Sybok calls out to his god but there is no reply. Kirk, realizing that Sybok is indeed mad, calls to inform the Enterprise that nothing is happening. Suddenly, the skies begin to darken and ground begins to shake. Out of nowhere come these large towering rocks like huge claws growing out of the ground and surrounds the explorers. Then, a large blue light, followed by fog ensures, and no it's not an alien dance club, it's the entrance of what is believed to be God. This God is trying to escape from the planet it has been imprisoned in for an eternity and needs the Enterprise to escape. This, naturally causes Kirk to ask the question that is one of the popular quotes from the film: "Excuse me? Excuse me I'd just like to ask a question. What does God need with a starship?!" McCoy jumps in and says, "Jim, you don't ask the almighty for his I.D." Looking down at Kirk with malevolence, the being says, "Who is this creature?" To that, Kirk continues, "Who am I? Don't you know? Aren't you God?!" Leave it to Captain Kirk not to take shit from anyone. He's been a captain his whole life and knows how things work. Suddenly, the being zaps Kirk with his eyes and knocks him off the ground. The same happens to Spock and when Sybok asks why He has done this, the being says, "He doubts me." "But, the God of Sha Ka Ree would not do this!" That comment enrages the being and tells Sybok that Sha Ka Ree is a vision he created. Then, Sybok asks the being to reveal himself to him and it turns out to be just another Sybok. Then, they both fight to the death. 

"Jim, you don't ask the all-mighty for his I.D.!"

Kirk orders Spock and McCoy to return to the Enterprise as the transporter is now working. Directly after the officers are beamed up, Klaa's Klingon bird-of-prey fires on the Enterprise disabling the transporter and leaving Kirk abandoned on the planet. Escaping "God's" wrath, the bird-of-prey fires on the being, destroying him with just one shot and then has Kirk beamed aboard. Thinking he is to be taken prisoner, the Klingon representative from Nimbus III orders him to be released and that his junior officer has something he wants to say to him. "The attack upon your vessel was not authorized by my government." Disgraced and stepping aside, the gunner responsible for killing the God entity was Spock! Surprised and happy to see him, Kirk says, "I thought I was going to die." To which Spock replies, "Not possible, you were never alone."

After a reception aboard the Enterprise, Kirk, Spock and McCoy resume their vacation on Yosemite.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier did make money. It was #1 at the box office for it's first week of release but slowly fell under after the release to other more successful films. Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek's creator, protested against this film and considered many aspects of it to be apocryphal. It got so bad for him that he tried to get people to help him shut down production, or at least change the story. The fact that it dealt with the Enterprise crew searching for God made it seem as if Star Trek were for Christians even though he wanted to stay as far away from religion in his creation as possible. A close friend of Gene, Isaac Asimov was asked to help stop production on the movie. Nothing ever came of it and the film was indeed released after all. Not to Gene's surprise, the film was highly controversial among fans and viewers alike and most of the criticism came to William Shatner. Production was rushed as I mentioned before, and the special effects were very underwhelming for a Star Trek production. But, in the long run, if it wasn't for Star Trek V, we would not have Star Trek VI, which saw the return to form and success for the franchise.

I personally found the film entertaining in certain aspects, but I tend to stop watching it when Sybok begins to mind-meld and free the pain of Spock and McCoy. It just really stalls the film for me and the lack of anything happening is a bit of a downer. The highlights to the movie stand out when they do! The campfire scene on Yosemite is great and this is the only time in the original film series where you get to see the bonding that the trio have. Again, the effects are very poor and it takes me out of the story a little. But that was due to the rush of production and the lack of ILM. The script went over-budget and Shatner had to scale down the grandiose ideas of what he wanted to do.

I cannot say that I would recommend this film, but I would say that you should see it at least once for the chemistry of Kirk, Spock and McCoy. The rest of the crew are very underused here, and they are almost background characters. Chekov does have a chance to shine when he pretends to be Captain of the Enterprise, Scotty and Uhura have a fling which is never seen before or after this movie, Sulu is just a helmsman, but the next film will have him promoted to captain. There were talks that McCoy and Spock would betray Kirk, but DeForest Kelley and Leonard Nimoy protested against the idea since they are loyal to Kirk.

Thank you for reading my blog and as always, please contact me and share your thoughts on the film, what you liked about it, what you didn't like about it, things you disagree with me on, etc. Thanks for reading and be sure to subcribe!

Monday, January 25, 2016


"So...this is goodbye."

As the tagline goes from The Matrix Revolutions: "Everything that has a beginning has an end." Welcome to my review/retrospective of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County.


In 1966, a small NBC television series called Star Trek hit screens on weeknights. William Shatner, Leornard Nimoy and Deforest Kelley starred in the hour long space opera traveling in a ship called the Enterprise. Each week, the crew traveled to strange new worlds in our galaxy dealing with the dangers that followed. Sadly, after three years, NBC pulled the plug on the show due to declining ratings and in 1969, Star Trek was no more.

However, in the early 1970s, Star Trek returned to television in the form of a Saturday morning cartoon and all the cast, with the exception of Walter Koenig, returned to do the voices. In 1974, that show ended and Star Trek was nothing outside of comics and toys. And then Star Wars came...Once Star Wars was a massive hit, Paramount cancelled a plan to make a new Star Trek live-action show and instead decided to produce a motion picture. In 1979, Star Trek: The Motion Picture hit the big screen. Fans had to wait a whole ten years to see their favorite characters in live-action and the result was not to everyone's expectations.


The first movie was a financial success, however not highly praised critically. Gene Roddenberry, the producer of the movie, and creator of the series itself, stepped down and the next Star Trek movie was made under far less of a budget. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was a huge success critically and is considered the best of the all six original films. A growing success of movies came out during the 1980s and Gene Roddenberry's creation was as popular as ever! So popular in fact that he started a new show on his own called Star Trek: The Next Generation. This, however did not feature the actors we've come to know and love and it was a stretch for some people. On the big screen, however, the original actors continued to be featured and until 1991.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is perhaps the best movie in the entire series of films. We've all known Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, and the rest for 25 years and since 1991 was the 25th anniversary, Paramount felt it was the perfect idea to make one last hurrah with these characters. Time certainly has gained on them since the show started, and the movie captures a perfect sense of family and history. The movie depicts Captain Kirk's last time in command of his beloved ship and his struggles to accept the fact that he's not the young, gallant Captain he once was.

It is the best swansong to any series wither it be a movie or television show. This is the true ending to the original Star Trek.

About three months before retirement from Starfleet, Captain Kirk and crew are ordered to take the Enterprise-A out to escort a Klingon ship to Earth for peace talks. Spock's father, Vulcan Ambassador Sarek has called for a diplomatic meeting on Earth and Spock essentially vouches for Kirk--whose son was killed by a Klingon--to be the special envoy. Now, even though Kirk loves being in command, he would rather accept retirement than rendezvous with a Klingon Chancellor's ship. He would just as soon open fire and start an all out war. Since Sulu is now a captain and no long a part of the Enterprise crew, Spock's protege, Valeris (played by Kim Cattral) volunteers. With the ship underway, Kirk has a moment in his quarters voicing his concerns in a Captain's Log: "I've never trusted Klingons. And I never will. I can never forgive them, for the death of my son. It seems to me that escorting the Klingon chancellor to a peace summit is problematic at best. Spock says this could be a historic occasion, and I'd like to believe him. But how on earth can history get past people like me?" As Kirk is about to get ready to head to the bridge, Valeris seems to be standing right by his quarters when she enters with his luggage. Was she standing there this whole time?

After Valeris talks with Kirk, she goes to speak with Spock who tells her that this will in fact be his last voyage on the Enterprise as a member of her crew. Valeris manages to hide the least bit of sadness in her face and responds, "I could only succeed you, Sir." To that, the chime rings informing all senior officers to the bridge to greet the Klingon Chancellor's ship.

Kirk-hesitant as ever and still upset with Spock that he was chosen to be the special envoy-hides his bigotry as best he can and invited Gorkon and crew on the Enterprise for a diplomatic dinner. This should be good...

A dinner of sorts
Well, the Klingon's arrive. Chancellor Gorkon introduces his crew, daughter Azetbur and finally his chief of staff, General Chang who has much admiration for Captain Kirk as a boy has to a baseball. At a pause, Kirk gives a look of confusion as he has been known throughout the galaxy to have beef with Klingons. After a brief tour, a dinner is prepared for all and as Khan said to Kirk years before, "Diplomatic dinner is only war time concealed." The high tension at the table is very evident and being served Romulan ale, on the request of Valeris, makes it even worse. When Chekov makes a statement that "We do believe all planets have a sovereign claim to inalienable human rights", the Chancellor's daughter responds that "the Federation is nothing more than a homo-sapiens only club." Another member of the crew claims that this is leading to the "annihilation of our race!" McCoy responds, "That's not true!" "No?" "NO!" After some more bickering back and forth, General Chang tells Kirk, "To be or not to be. That is the question which preoccupies our people, Captain Kirk. We need breathing room!" Kirk replies, "Earth. Hitler. 1938." Clearly having no idea who Hitler was, Chang shuts up and there is an awkward silence.

After Gorkon and his party leave for his ship, the crew contemplates for a minute with some bickering about the Klingon eating habits and everyone is a bit tipsy from the ale served. Valeris said she had ordered Romulan ale to help make the evening go more smoothly. That, it certainly did not. It's bad enough Kirk already hated the Klingons.

Kirk, in his quarters tells ships galley that Romulan ale is no longer to be served at diplomatic functions. As he is about to get some rest while having a hangover to end all hangovers...let alone space hangovers, Spock summons Kirk to the bridge. Arriving, Spock detects a form of radiation occurring. Kirk asks everyone if they know about the surge, and they don't know as they are all having surges in their heads from the damn ale the night before--a shot is fired! Out of nowhere, a shot is fired on the very Klingon ship they are escorting to Earth! No! Who could have done this?!!! Kirk, signals his absolute and total surrender proving that it was not him who had fired. Spock, looking at the memory banks, tells him that the Enterprise did, in fact fire two torpedoes. It's not like Kirk to do something like this...Is it? He wouldn't just fire on a ship without reason...would he? We've known Kirk too long to not believe that he would do such a horrible thing...Even to a Klingon ship. Has his age really caught up with him?

After beaming aboard said Klingon ship, Kirk is witness to a blood bath of Klingons dead in puddles of blood. Pink blood. They enter a corridor, Chancellor Gorkon has been shot! As if things weren't bad enough, there was a massacre in the ship as well! On the eve of peace! Dr. McCoy, funny as ever, tries to revive Gorkon and for a mere few seconds, Gorkon comes to. His lasts words are, "Don't let it end this way, Captain..." Arrested by General Chang without hesitation, Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy are taken into trial on the Klingon home world of Qo'noS.
Doctor McCoy was unable to save Gorkon.

Meanwhile, on 1701-A, Spock begins an investigation putting Valeris in charge. The ship is to be searched from bow to stern and not one place will be overlooked. The missing boot from one of the assassins. Apparently the surviving Klingons on the ship said they had seen two Starfleet officers wearing magnetic boots beam aboard their ship after the first hit from the Enterprise. When a starship has shields up, there is no way for someone to beam aboard. However, when the shields are down-like the Klingon ship was-anyone would be able to come aboard, and that is exactly what occurred. After the officers beamed back to the Enterprise, they managed to also beam aboard some blood particles that were floating. The hunt is still on for the killers. Gravity had not been restored until after the assassins left the ship, hence the blood still floating and the need for gravity boots.

Meanwhile, Kirk and McCoy are taken to a Klingon penal colony on the asteroid Rura Penthe, for a life sentence of labor and torture. Upon arrival, Kirk befriends a fellow prisoner by the name of Martia. She seems nice, and well...quite attractive. Responding to how she knows their names, "We don't get too many presidential assassins." Kirk replies impatiently, "We didn't kill Gorkon!" "Of course not." She responds. "But there is a reward for your death." McCoy adds, "That figures." Now, Captain Kirk realizes that this whole thing was a rouse and that he's been set up all along. Kirk is catching onto something here. A few nights later, Martia appears in Kirk's cell and has a plan for escape. When they both escape the prison, they travel in the clear to where ships can reach people for transport. In the colony, the area had no electricity, save for a magnetic shield to prevent beaming. Now they are in the clear and able to escape! Martia, however, has other plans and lured Kirk and McCoy in the clear for no other than for them [Kirk and McCoy] to be captured and killed. When Martia turns out to be a Chameloid, or Shapeshifter, she mirrors Kirk's image and the two fight before the Klingon raid shows up. Killing the "wrong" Kirk, the Klingon in charge decides to tell Kirk who wants him killed. "Since you're all going to die anyway, why not tell you. His name is-" and suddenly both prisoners are beamed aboard the Enterprise.

With Kirk and McCoy saved, Spock informs them that a Klingon Bird-of-Prey vessel fired on Gorkon's ship, thus seeming to frame the Enterprise! Someone must have changed the data banks on the ship to make it seem like torpedoes were fired upon. Someone on the inside and using Kirk as the guinea pig. Heading up to the bridge, Kirk, Spock and McCoy walk down a corridor when all of a sudden two bodies pop up in front of them. They were both killed with phasers on stun at close range. Kirk says, "First rule of assassination: kill the assassins." Then an idea pops up in his head. What better way to find the true killer than to pretend the assassins survived and had statements to be made? A ship wide chime comes in announcing "Statements to be made my Yeoman Burke and Samno." All is quiet in sickbay. Then, like a dark light entering a room, someone tiptoes in with a phaser. As they get closer to one of the "alive" assassins, Spock turns on a light revealing that it is no other than Valeris! Spock's protege! The one that he wanted to succeed him! The one in charge of the investigation! And yes, the one who also had the idea to serve Romulan ale during the already tense diplomatic meeting!

On the bridge, Captain Kirk and crew confront Valeris and tell her that a new location for the peace conference is taking place. But where? Valeris would know. Desperate, Kirk orders Spock to beat it out of her and performs a Vulcan mind-meld...or rape...and informs Kirk that the conference is no longer on Earth, but that the new location is still unknown. As Spock had told Kirk those many years ago, "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one." This would have to have been Spock's reasoning to force Valeris to get the information out of her. A full scale war between the Federation and the Empire would most likely take place and extreme measures must be taken. With Valeris in the brig, and Captain Sulu helping the Enterprise, the two ships are also on the lookout for a Klingon Bird-of-Prey that can fire while cloaked. Sulu has the location of the peace conference and informs Kirk that it's on, "Camp Khitomer, near the Romulan boarder." Now Kirk knows where to go! The Enterprise speeds to it's destination at maximum warp.

As the Enterprise is almost at transporter range, a voice from speakers malevolently saying, "I can see you Kirk...Can you see me?" Kirk knows that voice! He's heard it before and despised the sound of it. Chang...the Klingon that found Kirk and McCoy guilty, the Klingon that praised Kirk for being a "cold warrior"...and the Klingon that was Gorkon's own chief of staff! That little lying creep!

A sudden attack ensues and the Enterprise is taking hits from a ship it can't even see. At this rate, they're as good as dead. Then, out of another quadrant, Captain Sulu and the crew of the Excelsior take charge and endure hits from the Klingon ship; but not before Commander Uhura tells Kirk that there must be a way to track the cloaked vessel. "Well, the thing's gotta have a tailpipe." Spock and McCoy then head to the torpedo bay to modify a torpedo to track the plasma from the enemy ship. With the shields collapsing, Kirk chimes in yelling for them to hurry up! On ships speakers, Chang is heard citing Shakespeare and McCoy tells Spock, "I'd give real money if he'd shut up!" With the torpedo set and ready, Kirk-as only he can-yells, "Fire!" and the torpedo is away headed towards Chang's ship. A look of defeat, Chang simply says, "To be or not to be." And the battle is won. It is a small victory, however as now Kirk must continue onto the planet.

"It's about the future, Madam Chancellor!"
After Chang's ship is destroyed, Kirk and party beam down to the conference to stop another assassination. Having everyone split up and scatter like a pack of cockroaches, he starts towards the Federation president during his speech. Pushing through a crowd of delegates, Captain Kirk rushes and knocks the president out of the way as to avoid a sudden bold of a rifle intended for him. As the assassin looks for another target, and has his sights on Valeris, Scotty knocks down the door behind him and shoots that sucker to the next world killing him instantly. Now, there are two versions of this death. In the theatrical cut, it is seen that a Klingon was indeed the would-be assassin; however in the VHS edition, it is discovered that a Starfleet officer was dressed as a Klingon. Either way, the films ends the same way. Peace has been reached and Kirk proves himself innocent and years of hostility between the Federation is over.

When asked what the meaning of all this was, Captain Kirk tells the new Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, Gorkon's daughter Azetbur "Some people think the future means the end of history. Well, we haven't run out of history quite yet. Your father, called the future, the undiscovered country. People can be very frightened of change." Astonished and convinced that Kirk was indeed not part of this conspiracy, the daughter and newly appointed Chancellor says, "You've restored my father's faith." To which Kirk responds, "And you've restored my sons."

Kirk facing the end of his career
Parting ways with Captain Sulu's ship, the Enterprise is on her own. A sudden message from Starfleet Command comes in and Uhura tells the captain that the ship needs to be put back to spacedock for decommissioning. Kirk looks at the main screen as if to get a plead from it to say, "Don't worry Jim, it's just a joke." Coming back to reality, he asks himself, Is this really the end? No...It can't be. Can it? No more adventures? No planets to travel to? People to save? These thoughts are going through his head as he knows that time is gaining up on him and that the days of his youth are long gone. Things have to change, but why can't I be in charge of my ship for just a little longer? The thought of having to lose the Enterprise for the final time after the countless times he fought to get it back flew through him. The Enterprise was the one lady he really cared for. The thought of him having to settle down on Earth and catch up with the life he left behind didn't appeal to him in the least.

With almost a tear in Kirk's eye, Spock breaks the silence of the inevitable and remarks, "If I were human, I believe my response would be: 'go to hell'. If I were human." To that, Kirk shoots a little smile and with a line from Peter Pan, replies, "Second star to the right. And straight on 'till morning." And with that, the Enterprise sails off into the sunset. With 25 years of saving the galaxy and traveling to new worlds, it is time for Captain Kirk to pass the baton and hand the keys to another crew for a Next Generation.


